Liebster Award Nomination!


Well my darlings, thanks to a sweet angel named Leigh, over at Simpleigh Organized(fabulous tips on organization, head over and check her out!), It’s Tidy Time! has been nominated for a Liebster Award!

“What’s that?”, you say? Oh, only an incredible pat on the back and virtual high five in the blogosphere.  I’m stoked about it!

The Liebster Award is a promotional and credit-passing program to those bloggers out there and encourages readership and additional followers; it’s pretty rad.

So there are rules involved, just like any good program(otherwise, I don’t feel like following rules 😦  ):

  • Thank the rockin’ blogger that nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions you were given
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 500 followers
  • Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
  • Tag your nominees and post a comment in their blog so they know they’ve been nominated!

My Answers to the Questions I Was Given:


  1. Why did you decide to start blogging? My sister and I have been helping people organize for years. It occurred to us that we could, not only help people in their homes, but also throughout the world.
  2. Where do you enjoy vacationing? Everywhere warm!
  3. What is the title of the last book you’ve read? The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
  4. What sports do you enjoy playing or watching? Watching:Snowboarding, gymnastics, volleyball, football(thanks to my husband-49ers!) Playing: snowboarding, volleyball, softball
  5. What’s your favorite food? The kind you eat.
  6. List 3 hobbies. Blogging, photography, Gelish nails (it’s a revolution in nail polish. Get the polish and lamp on and do it yourself! Super easy and inexpensive and it lasts for 2-3 weeks…upfront cost for equipment is around $100 but your manicures end up being $4/each because of it!)
  7. What is your favorite season and why? Summer and Fall battle for #1. Fall is romantic and cozy and charming but summer reminds me of freedom and happy people and staying outside until the sun goes down(which is super late compared to the winter so, bonus!).
  8. If you could learn another language, what would it be? Gaelic
  9. Are you a saver or a spender? Saver, big time!
  10. What’s your favorite type of music? Most listened to is Christian music(edgier praise & worship) and then EVERYTHING except heavy metal
  11. What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend? If it’s warm, I want to be outside doing anything, walks with my husband and kids are ideal. Then it would be a movie, either at the theater or at home cozy on the couch, once the sun goes down.



  • Where do you like to blog?
  • Who is your main inspiration in life?
  • How do you feel about winter?
  • What was the happiest day of your life?
  • Which movie makes you laugh out loud, literally?
  • What’s your favorite candy?
  • If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
  • Android or iPhone?
  • What would be your favorite country to visit?
  • Coffee or tea?
  • What would your dream retirement scenario look like?

Leigh, you’re a doll, thanks again for nominating me 🙂 I hope you all have an incredible rest of your week!


Sandra from TidyTime

28 thoughts on “Liebster Award Nomination!

  1. Pingback: The Liebster Award! | Two Three Or Not Two Three...

  2. Congratulations on both your Liebster Award and your SITS feature… how exciting! 🙂 I can’t wait to spend more time reading through your blog, so much to see.

    • Thanks so much girl! Welcome, welcome 🙂 Let us know if there’s a certain organizing topic you’re struggling with and we’d love to post on it. Thanks for hanging out, it’s great to meet you!

  3. Thank you for the nomination! I just did a Leibster post a little while back (so awesome to be nominated again!!), but I am thrilled to discover your blog. Nice to meet you virtually!

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